I’m trying to re-learn some of the skills that I have learned in the past. Some of these skills are technical and the others are not.
I often learn a lot of skills without actually practice what I learned. After a short some time These skills just fade away. These skills are forgotten because I did not use them for a long time. Not use these skills in a practical projects make the process of forgetting these skills is faster.
I have been approached by a person who need me to work in a project which is using a technology I did not used in the past. I have some knowledge about it however I did not use it before in any project.
I am not sure yet that I can finish this project in the time frame what person gave to me, However I am planning to learn while work on this project.
Perviously, I turned down a lot of customers because I did not want to involved in a project which use a technology I am not familiar with. But I will try this time and hope for the best!
What about you, will you work in a project which needs skills you don’t have but you can learn while working on the project?
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